Macro Val

Healthy Cooking Made Easy



Cooking Classes

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Recipe of the

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About Val

What is MacroBiotics?

Val's Thoughts

Food of the
Month Archives

Stem Cell Patches



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Friends of Macro Val

The Better Health Store
Our vitamin health food store offers discounted prices on vitamins and herb supplements. We carry a variety of brand name supplements that you can trust. Val has a food demo at the Novi location every month.

Mom's Across America

Body Mind Spirit Guide is a family owned, local publication serving the holistic community. Each month there are interesting articles and event listings for the area.

Childrens Health is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Its mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and to establish safeguards so this never happens again.
Children's Health Defense Michigan Chapter

Protect the Porkies - Join us in opposing a Canadian company's plan to turn this beautiful region into a SACRIFICE ZONE

Infinite Flame Handcrafted one-of-a-kind jewelry, pendulums & incense made by Val's sister, Laura. The site also has stones/crystal info and sets.

Mary Tocco-Vaccine Information Find out the truth about what's in vaccines and the effects they can have on your body.

Michigan Vaccine Choice Ever skip the flu shot? If so, you have practiced vaccine choice and may not have even realized it. MVC members also reserve the right to choose which shots to accept or decline.

Naked Soaps Laura creates glycerin soaps using essential oils and other natural ingredients. No artificial colors or fragrances.

The Highwire - Del Bigtree and the most informative news show on the internet. Thursdays at 2 PM (EST)

VegMichigan is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization promoting awareness of the health, ecological and ethical consequences of our food choices. Val is a member.

Your Health and Joy Helping clients improve their health and well-being with accessible online yoga exercises, breath practices and nutrient dense foods.

Zerbo's Health Foods located in Livonia, Michigan, and now in Commerce Township, carries Val's cookbook along with hundreds of health products and foods.

© 2009-2025 MacroVal

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