Macro Val

Healthy Cooking Made Easy



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One-On-One Counseling Sessions
With Macro Val

I offer one on one, personal lifestyle counseling sessions to help overcome health issues. Since 1997 I have been in the health food field teaching cooking classes using organic, whole, vegan foods based in Macrobiotic and Oriental Medicine.

In our session, you will share your health challenges and we will discuss solutions that you can easily implement into your life. I address the diet, and other issues that contribute or take away from health such as rest, exercise, stress, and activities that nourish the soul.

I have helped people heal their bodies from: Arthritis, allergies, skin conditions, kidney disease, obesity, Meniere's disease, stomach and digestive issues, and cancer (prostate, lung, breast and skin).

We start out with a one hour session for $175.00.

Moving forward we can set up an ongoing time to continue to work together based on your needs. My goal is to educate you to listen to your body, feed it what it needs to heal and to overcome all the health challenges you are experiencing.

Notes from our consult will be emailed to you after we met.

Dietary and information packet with specific recipes for your condition: $80.00

Packages: To be set up after the initial one hour session:

Two months: Four, one hour follow up sessions: $500.00
Three Months: Six, one hour follow up sessions: $600.00

Before the session, please be ready to answer these questions:

  • Your height and weight
  • What are your lifestyle goals?(What do you wish to accomplish through changes in your diet?)
  • What are your health issues (if any)?
  • History of health issues
  • Do you sleep well? What are your sleep patterns?
  • How is your concentration?
  • Are you taking any perscription medications?
  • What is your diet like now? (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, drinks)

Email to set up an appointment. Please include your phone number.

Session can be done in person or over the phone or with Zoom.

Phone or Zoom Sessions:
Once you have paid, a date and time will be set up for an uninterrupted hour or more for the session. Please be sure that you will not be interrupted during the session and turn off or ignore call waiting.

Two Month Personal Counseling:
Three Month Personal Counseling:

"By the time I first met with Valerie, I had been seriously ill for a number of years which left my body seriously depleted and completely drained. I was familiar with the Chinese and Ayurvedic philosophies regarding health and diet. However, my body was so imbalanced by this time and the symptoms numerous, along with a weakened immune system that despite my efforts to heal and restore my body, I felt lost – especially when it came to diet. My body had became so sensitive to various foods. This all began to change within 24 hours of following Valerie's dietary suggestions. I began to feel stronger, as though my body was more able to fight the virus I had at the time. Within 2-3 days my stools were normal and I was experiencing increased energy. It has been a mere 8 weeks now and all I can say is that I feel meeting with Val was the best thing I ever did. I know it will take time for me to recover more fully and deeply, but I know without doubt that I am on the right path.

Valerie listens deeply and I sense she truly knows what she is doing. During my time with her, everything she said resonated with me and she clarified a lot of confusion for me around how to best nourish myself. Not only did she address diet, she also addressed other issues which contribute to or take away from health, such as rest, exercise, stress and activities that nourish the soul. What I like about Val is that she explains clearly what you need and why, as well as how to help yourself so you end your session with increased knowledge and a roadmap. I am looking forward to my continued journey towards health with Valerie as my guide." ---Evelyn Odoerfer

A personal note:
I have been living a macrobiotic, whole foods lifestyle since 1993 and have never felt better. I have helped friends and family over the years and would now like to share my knowledge with you. The body has the ability to heal itself, given the proper nutrition. I can steer you towards health and well being. My goal is to improve the quality of your life.” --Val