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Life Wave - Stem Cell Activation Technology
X-39 Patented Wearable Patches

Light Technology - Activates your own Stem Cells

Stem cells are the only cells in your body that are changeable, they can change into any cell your body needs for repair just like when you were 20.

I only use all natural healing from the earth. These patches have no chemicals, and no medicine, they use your light/energy to help the body re-activate your stem cells, enabling the body to heal itself.

Go To
In 5 minutes you will know if you are interested in learning more......

First watch the What is Phototherapy video, it is only 2 minutes long.

Then watch the Elevate, Activate, Regenerate video, it is only 3 minutes long.

If you are interested in learning more about how these easy to use, non dermal, completely natural, patches can help you, contact me through email or phone.

If Science is your thing, Go Here for some of the science behind the X-39 Patches.
Scroll down to video #3, it is 18 minutes long. There is more about the science on this page also.

My testimonial:

"I had a kidney stone, July 5, is when the pain started. I went to Emergency July 6 where I was diagnosed with a very small kidney stone, I was told I could pass with no problem. I did not eat for 3 days. I drank a lot of water with lemon (perhaps too much). My legs felt very heavy, like they were two lead poles, making it difficult to walk or get around. The pain lessened as the day went on. I was still experiencing pain at night. Around 9 or 10 PM, I would start to experience cramping in my kidney area (back left hand side). The last episode of a pain attack I had was late Monday (July 10) at night.

Tuesday, July 11, my birthday, I was given a free 30 day supply of the patches. Marci (the lady who I am working with in Life Wave) told me to put the patch right on my back where the pain was.

That night around 10 PM, when the cramping pain was starting, I put an X-39 patch on my back, where the pain was located. Within an hour, there was no pain. I KNOW these patches work. But I was even surprised at how quickly I had no pain. I was able to sleep for the first time that night for 3 hours straight. Every night I could not wait until 10 PM to put the patch on. Within the next couple day I did pass the kidney stone.

I started wearing the X-39 patches on a regular basis in July 2023. Since then I have had improvement in my eye sight. I am near sighted and I have worn glasses since I was in 4th grade in school. My eye sight up close has always been great. It is the medium vision that has improved, for instance when you are working on a computer or reading holding the book at arms distance away from you. I now can not wear my glasses for this distance, as my eyes have improved to where I can see clearly with out my glasses. I still wear my glasses for distances. "

My Dad's testimonial: As told to me July 14.
(He had been patching for 28 days when he relayed this testimonial to me.)

He does have a tooth issue. He needs to go to the dentist to have it fixed and he has experienced tooth pain. He said since being on the patch no tooth pain.

He said he had this growth on his head. It had been there for years. When he started the patches, said it swelled. Then it busted open and blood came out. I was told a lot of blood. He said it stopped discharging and now it has healed and there is nothing there now.

Testimonial Videos:

30 minute video. Eye Problems improved, lowered high blood pressure

30 minute video:
First testimonial, migraine headache gone, had them for 30 years. Improved sleep.
Second testimonial: Braces on both knees walked with a cane, plus she put patches on her dog and healed him from cancer.

This is a half hour long video.
First lady, knee surgery that went bad and heart issues.
Second lady, husband had migraine headaches and she also uses the patches on her dog.

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