Macro Val

Healthy Cooking Made Easy



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Chef Val's Personal Chef Services

Healthy, plant based dishes cooked for you in your home.

Come home to your refrigerator full of delicious dishes ready for you to enjoy. Chef Val has hundreds of recipes for you to choose from.

Menus can be geared towards your specific dietary needs. Chef Val specializes in Vegan foods. Menus are set up according to the season and the local organic produce available at the time of cooking.

$75.00 per hour
3 hour minimum

(An additional fee will be charged if you are more than a 30 minute drive.)

Call Val 734-722-4553 for more info

Also offered as part of the service is grocery shopping. Val can shop for the ingredients and bring them with her when she comes to cook for an additional fee.

An example of some of the recipes you can choose from:

Quinoa Salad with Walnuts and Raisins
Quinoa Salad with a Lemon Twist
Sweet Potato Salad
Roasted Vegetables
Pasta Primervera
Pasta with Creamy Mushrooms Sauce
Cream of Mushroom Soup
Miso Brown Rice Soup
Spring Asparagus Soup

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